Trasformare frasi in forma negativa inglese online

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta del verbo TO BE.
1 This book ..... mine. -- 2 Your tea .... bad. -- 3 You ..... a policeman. -- 4 Jenny and Jade .... going to work today. -- 5 I think that Mrs....

THERE IS oppure THERE ARE? Rispondi alle domande e fai attenzione alla forma negativa di there is\there are.
1 Is there a banana in the box? Yes, .... -- 2 Are there two hundred seats in this cinema? Yes, ... -- 3 Are there thirty minutes in an hour? No,...

Per ogni frase, scegli DON'T oppure DOESN'T:
1. We are new here, so we _______ know him. // 2. William is rich so he _______ have to work. // 3. It really is a cheap restaurant, it ______ cost...

Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(01):
1. . a good runner. / 2. .a good swimmer. I like to swim. / 3. He...his work everyday. / 4. often rain in India? / 5. The boys...(not) like...

Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(02):
12. We..(not)like to go to the movies. / 13. He..(not).always walk his dog. / 14. His dog..very big. / 15. drive to work take the bus?...

Completa questa frasi usando IS, ISN'T, ARE, AREN'T, DO, DOES, DON'T, DOESN'T(03):
23. He..(not).earn a lot of money. / 24. He the army. / 25. He.(not)get up early. He gets up late. / 26. We..very serious about our work. /...

Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla FORMA NEGATIVA contratta.
1. I've got a jacket. / 2. We've got a new pet. / 3. She's got a new camera. / 4. You've got a black hat. / 5. I've got a red coat. / 6. They've got...

Trasforma le frasi affermative in NEGATIVE, usando la froma estesa.
1. I am English. / 2. You are in my class. / 3. He is a new student. / 4. She is my French teacher. / 5. This is our classroom. / 6. We are exchange...

Completa le frasi con la forma NEGATIVA estesa del verbo TO BE.
1. Luke .... Irish. / 2. The students .... in the classroom. / 3. She .... our French teacher. / 4. You .... in my class. / 5. We .... from Poland. /...

Completa le frasi con ISN'T oppure AREN'T.
1. There ...... five exchange students in our class. / 2. There ...... a bed in the classroom. / 3. There ...... a computer in the kitchen. / 4....

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa estesa di HAVE GOT.
1. Daniele ...... brown hair. / 2. My mum ...... a new car. / 3. The students ...... any books. / 4. Me and Paul ...... new trainers. / 5. You...

Scrivi i verbi tra parentesi alla forma NEGATIVA.
1. My mum (buy) fruit at the supermarket. / 2. We (watch) 3D films at the cinema. / 3. I (walk) to school, I take the bus. / 4. My brothers (play)...

Inserisci il verbo TO BE negli spazi nella forma affermativa, interrogativa o negativa in base al senso di ogni frase. Usa la forma contratta quando possibile.
1. I ... from Italy. Where ... you from? / 2. A. ... you 13 years old? B. No, I'... I ... 12. / 3. London ... in the Republic of Ireland. / 4. A. ......

Trasforma le frasi alla froma NEGATIVA contratta.
1. Julie buys stamps at the newsagent's. / 2. My parents come from Italy. / 3. Aunt June visits every Saturday. / 4.We go to the sports centre at the...

Trasforma queste frasi alla forma NEGATIVA(01):
1. Jane packed her suitcase. / 2. We lost our keys. / 3. Jack broke his leg. / 4. It rained a lot. / 5. He met his friends.

Completa le frasi con il verbo TO HAVE al present simple alla forma NEGATIVA:
I.... your T-shirt. / She.... a workbook. / We.... enough money. / Steve.... a brother. / My brother.... a TV in his room. / They.... a van. / ...

WAS NOT oppure WERE NOT? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi:
They....ill. / You....tired. / The children....quiet. / Helsinki last week. / She....home for dinner. / The water....cold. / There....a...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(01):
I sit - Peggy washes - they go - you watch - he tries - we ask - Mel and John learn - she starts - I phone - it rains

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(01):
I...(stay)at home. / We...(wash)the family car. / Doris...(do)her homework. / They...(go)to bed at 8.30 pm. / Kevin...(open)his workbook. / Our...

Completa ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione oppure in forma affermativa, in base alla richiesta tra parentesi:
They... hockey at school. (to play) / She... e-mails. (not/to write) / English? (to speak) / My parents... fish. (not/to like) / ...Anne......

Completa ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM oppure QUESTION FORM senza contrazione, in base alla richiesta tra parentesi:
Anne... my questions. (not/to answer) / ...they... tomatoes in this shop? (to sell) / This girl... trousers at school. (not/to wear) / ...Mr...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(02):
Tom... stamps. (not/to collect) / You... songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) / Julie... in the garden. (not/to work) / I... at home. (not/to sit) /...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(03):
We... handball at school. (not/to play) / Laura... her room. (not/to clean) / Mark... his homework. (not/to do) / Susan and Jerry... TV. (not/to...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(04):
My friend... an alarm clock. (not/to have) / We... fish at home. (not/to eat) / I... to work on Saturdays. (not/to want) / She... to school by bus....

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta(05):
I... shopping. (not/to like) / Lilly... at home. (not/to help) / The children... great. (not/to feel) / Frank... hockey. (not/to play) / The...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(02):
Tom... stamps. (not/to collect) / You... songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) / Julie... in the garden. (not/to work) / I... at home. (not/to sit) /...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(03):
We... handball at school. (not/to play) / Laura... her room. (not/to clean) / Mark... his homework. (not/to do) / Susan and Jerry... TV. (not/to...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(04):
My friend... an alarm clock. (not/to have) / We... fish at home. (not/to eat) / I... to work on Saturdays. (not/to want) / She... to school by bus....

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(05):
I... shopping. (not/to like) / Lilly... at home. (not/to help) / The children... great. (not/to feel) / Frank... hockey. (not/to play) / The...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM senza contrazione(06):
The girls are outside. / She knows the answer. / We live in a small house. / I have coffee for breakfast. / Water boils at 90°C. / My brothers...

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta di HAVE GOT. a car. / any children. / your ball. / a black pen. / a big house. / good marks....

Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al present simple in forma NEGATIVA:
1.They ...from Sydney. / 2.You my class. / 3.It ...five o'clock yet. / 4.The dog / 5.Jim ...busy now. / 6.I ...very well today. /...

WAS oppure WERE? scegli la forma giusta e completa le frasi in forma NEGATIVA:
1.They yesterday. / 2.Anna the classroom. / 3.George and Cheryl the supermarket. / 4.The room ...very big. / 5.I called you but...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(01):
1. They are sitting in the front row. 2. He is a good piano player. 3. She will be here for dinner. 4. You should look at that. 5. They have seen...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(02):
1. We are first in line. 2. They have paid for the movies. 3. I could work later tonight. 4. You can finish this book today. 5. He has taken the...

Trasforma ogni frase alla NEGATIVE-FORM usando opportunamente l'apostrofo(03):
1. She has described the main character. 2. It is the end of the movie. 3. We could help them. 4. You are finished with your plate. 5. They have...

Componi delle frasi negative utilizzando e riordinando queste parole.
1 iPad / not / my / is / this. -- 2 Adele / old / not / twenty-two / is / years. -- 3 are / today / not / children / school / the / at. -- 4 Mrs. /...

Trasforma le seguenti frasi in negative. Usa la forma contratta quando è possibile.
1 I read a book. -- 2 We go to the church on Sundays. -- 3 The train leaves at 11 a.m. -- 4 George and she go to the disco. -- 5 The dog plays with...

Il simple present di to have: trasforma queste frasi affermative in frasi negative e viceversa
1 I have got a pen. -- 2 She has got a beautiful house -- 3 We have decided to buy a new house outside the city -- 4 She doesn’t have toothache --...

Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(01):
1 .... your books. (to open) -- 2 .... upstairs. (to go) -- 3 .... in this swimming pool. (not/to swim) -- 4 .... your homework now. (to do) -- 5...

Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(02):
1 .... your brother to come here, I need help. (to ask) -- 2 .... quiet, please! I’m speaking. (to be) -- 3 .... up it’s late. The shops are...

Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma positiva o negativa dell'IMPERATIVO(03):
1 ... (to read) the instruction, please. -- 2 ... (to turn) to page 54. -- 3 ... (to give) me a break, I’m exhausted. -- 4 ...(not to go) there,...

Trasforma le frasi in forma negativa.
1 John was in town last week. -- 2 Yesterday I was with your cousin. -- 3 We were at school when that happened. -- 4 He was a very friendly person...

Ognuna di queste frasi ha un verbo tra parentesi che dovrai coniugare al present simple: decidi se è positivo o negativo in base al senso della frase.
1 I (drink) wine very much I prefer beer /// 2 People (use) public transport often in this city because it is good and cheap /// 3 People in the...

Usa la forma corretta del verbo ausiliare TO DO per formare frasi negative o interrogative.
1. The brothers like football, but the sisters football. They like tennis. /// 2. What ...Lara like to do at weekends? /// 3. ....Mr. Douglas...

Per ogni frase, scrivi il negativo. Usa le contrazioni quando possibile. Ricorda la punteggiatura!
1. I smoke cigarettes. // 2. He sings in a rock band. // 3. I eat dinner at 8pm. // 4. We watch TV in the evening. // 5. Emanuela does the ironing...

Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(01):
1. Pete is run really fast. Pete runs really fast / 2. I often drink water. I am often drink water. / 3. You speak Korean well. You are speak Korean...

Scegli la versione corretta di ogni frase(02):
1. He doesn’t works. He doesn’t work. / 2. I don’t know that guy. I don’t knows that guy. / 3. You don’t look hungry. You doesn’t look...

Completa le frasi scegliendo la forma NEGATIVA corretta fra le due proposte:
1. We __ late yet. A) don’t B) aren’t / 2. I __ very brave. A) am not B) don’t / 3. I __ have a wallet. A) am not B) don’t / 4. She __ know...

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo TO BE al passato. Utilizza le forme contratte per le forme negative.
1. I .... happy with that restaurant last night. The food .... cold and the waiter ... very friendly. / 2. ".... you with Helen on Saturday?" "No, I...

Per ogni frase, metti la forma negativa o interrogativa a seconda di ciò che viene chiesto. Utilizza le forme contratte per le forme negative come didn't e wasn't.
1. Jason went to Paris last weekend. (question - where?) -- 2. I played tennis last week. (negative) -- 3. She drove a BMW to the party last night?...

Riempi ogni spazio con la forma contratta negativa di BE, DOES O HAVE.
1. I have a dog, but my sister .... . // 2. We .... happy because the pizza guy is late! // 3. He thinks I have his watch, but I .... . // 4. .... it...

Usa le forme negative contratte e uno dei verbi proposti per completare ogni frase.
1. Don't shout at Mario. He ..... English very well. // 2. An unemployed person is somebody...

Le seguenti frasi con una contrazione, sono corrette o no(01)?
1. She is'nt very happy today. // 2. They aren't fat! // 3. I amn't at school today because I'm sick. // 4. We are'nt cold. It is hot today. // 5....

Le seguenti frasi con una contrazione, sono corrette o no(02)?
1. Are you Hungarian, Lazlo? "Yes, I'm." // 2. We're both very tired after the football. Let's go home! // 3. It is nearly ten o'clock. Your'e late...

Abbina ogni risposta breve a una domanda qui sotto.
RISPOSTE BREVI: A. Yes, he has. // B. No, they haven't. // C. No, it hasn't. // D. Yes, we have. // E. No, she hasn't. // F. Yes, they have. // G....

Completa le frasi usando MUSTN'T oppure DON'T/DOESN'T HAVE TO.
1. You .... pay for a plastic bag at many supermarkets. // 2. During an exam, you ..... copy from the other students. // 3. You ..... drive over...

In ogni spazio vuoto inserisci NO oppure NOT.
1. He said he has... time to help me so it looks as if I'm on my own! // 2. You have... only endangered your own safety but also that of the...

Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando BE GOING TO al futuro e il verbo tra parentesi(02):
They... the lunch basket. (not/to pack) / I... somebody the way. (not/to ask) / Rita... Jim's book. (not/to borrow) / We... a T-shirt. (not/to...

Trasforma queste frasi interrogative alla forma NEGATIVA(02):
Do they live in a house? / Why did Jim buy the old guitar? / Have you been to Canada? / Whose brother can sing? / Does Alex like garlic? / Are...

Trasforma queste frasi alla forma NEGATIVA(03):
Karin played volleyball yesterday. / There will be rain in the South tomorrow. / Mel speaks German. / We are writing a test. / Listen to Thomas. /...

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi NEGATIVE trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PRESENT(03):
He isn't riding a skateboard. / We aren't cooking. / She isn't dreaming. / They aren't making a mess. / My dad isn't painting the door. / I'm not...

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi NEGATIVE trasformando ogni verbo al PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
I don't smoke. / He doesn't talk to Harry. / We don't pay for the test. / Mum doesn't tidy Larry's room. / You don't pack the baskets. / ...

Completa le seguenti frasi con il verbo TO CAN in forma affermativa o negativa in base al simbolo + oppure - che trovi nella parentesi:
I... swim. (+/can) / You... draw. (-/can) / He... cook. (+/can) / She... walk. (-/can) / It... jump. (+/can) / We... ski. (-/can) / You......

Trasforma le seguenti frasi alla forma affermativa, interrogativa o negativa in base alla richiesta:
Olivia can play the guitar -> negative sentence / Can the girls play hockey? -> affirmative sentence / Richard can play the trumpet -> question...

Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al futuro in forma NEGATIVA o AFFERMATIVA in base alla richiesta:
It.... cold tonight. (affirmative sentence) / I.... careful. (affirmative sentence) / Jack.... at work today. (negative sentence) / They.... home...

Completa le frasi con il verbo TO BE al passato in forma NEGATIVA o AFFERMATIVA in base alla richiesta:
Our trip to Spain.... (+) great. / I.... (-) in London last summer. / My sister and her friend.... (+) at a nice restaurant. / I went to Olivia,...

Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(01).
I... my maths homework yesterday. (to do) / ...Susan... to England by plane? (to go) / They... a farm two weeks ago. (to visit) / Jenny and Peggy......

Completa le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST(02).
When... you in London? (to be) / We... in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live) / What... you... yesterday? (to lose) / He... magic tricks at...

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(01):
He played handball. / Susan waited in the kitchen. / I made the beds. / They cleaned the classroom. / She asked a lot of questions. / The friends...

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(02):
Andy bought a new shirt. / They went shopping last Friday. / She had a bath in the morning. / We felt like a big ice cream. / The students sat...

Riscrivi le seguenti frasi trasformando ogni verbo al SIMPLE PAST nella sua forma NEGATIVA(03):
Peter woke up at seven. / The children ran home. / I forgot to take the book with me. / We turned off the computer. / My friend looked after the...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al FUTURO nella forma NEGATIVA:
Tim... the teacher. (not/to tell) / I hope I... the train to Manchester. (not/to miss) / She... her hair green. (not/to dye) / He... breakfast...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
The children... questions. (not/to ask) / Nick... to the gym. (not/to go) / I... the door. (not/to open) / He... jokes. (not/to tell) / The baby......

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Anne and Ron... in a helicopter. (not/to fly) / Olivia... her eyes. (not/to close) / They... through the park. (not/to jog) / The girls... fun at...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(03):
They... questions. (not/to ask) / Nick... to the gym. (not/to go) / I... the door. (not/to open) / He... jokes. (not/to tell) / The baby... now....

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(04):
They... in a helicopter. (not/to fly) / Olivia... her eyes. (not/to close) / They... through the park. (not/to jog) / She... the books to the...

PRESENT CONTINUOUS forma negativa: usa il verbo tra parentesi per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1.Anthony ...(drive) home. He's had too much to drink. / 2.The bus ...(stop). It's passing us. / 3.We ...(speak) Spanish. / 4.You ...(listen) to pop...

Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando lo stesso verbo che c'è ad inizio frase ma trasformato nella sua forma NEGATIVA, esempio: I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert.
1.They swam on Saturday but they ...on Sunday. / 2.I went to work on Monday but I work on Tuesday. / 3.He bought a new car. He ...a second-hand...

Completa le frasi utilizzando uno dei verbi all'IMPERATIVO suggeriti ma in forma affermativa o negativa in base al suggerimento tra parentesi: worry • eat • run • do • close • open.
1 ....We aren't late for school.(-) 2 ...The exam isn't very difficult.(-) 3 ...your books at page 25.(+) 4 ...exercises 3, 4 and 5 for homework.(+)...

Scrivi delle frasi utilizzando le parole fornite e i verbi CAN COULD (se in parentesi c'è OK) CAN'T COULDN'T (se in parentesi c'è X).
1) Angela / walk/ ten months old.(ok) 2) Mark / swim/ six.(X) 3) Claire/ use a computer/ ten.(X) 4) Daniel / ride a horse/ nine.(ok)5) Sophie /cook/...

Componi delle frasi con il verbo MUST usando le parole suggerite e il contenuto delle parentesi per costruire una frase affermativa(+) o negativa(-).
1 Nathaly/tidy her room/once a week(+). 2 You/ride a bike on a motorway(-). 3 Dogs/wait outside the shop(+). 4 You/take this medicine/twice a day(+)....

Riscrivi le frasi at PAST SIMPLE.
1 Mum doesn't tidy my room. 2 I don't play volleyball. 3 It doesn't work very well. 4 They don't enjoy that film. 5 Michael doesn't take the dog out....

Trasforma in forma NEGATIVA le seguenti frasi utilizzando GOING TO e le parole suggerimento.
1 Listen carefully. I/repeat it. 2 It's very windy. They/sit on the beach today 3 Linda is a vegetarian. She/eat that hamburger 4 It's very late....

Completa le frasi riguardanti le regole per andare ad un concerto, usando MUST, MUSTN'T, HAVE TO, DON'T HAVE TO.
1 You.....arrive at the stadium early. The gates close ten minutes before the concert starts. 2 You....print your ticket. An electronic ticket is...

Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando TO BE o TO HAVE alla forma affermativa(+), interrogativa(?) o negativa(-) in base al simbolo indicato tra le parentesi.
1 We....dinner in a sushi restaurant last night.(+) 2 school yesterday.(-) 3 Last year we....a school trip to Vienna.(+) on holiday...

Completa le frasi con ii FUTURO del verbo tra parentesi poi riscrivile anche nella forma NEGATIVA
1) I(give) money to this Save the Whales campaign. 2) We(meet) our friends tomorrow. 3) They (see) tigers on safari. 4) The airport will (be)...

Riempi gli spazi con CAN/COULD/MAY/MIGHT nella forma negativa e positiva.
1 Mark the guitar very well. -- 2 If you wish, we ... go sightseeing. -- 3 I ... tell you that thing because your cell phone was unreachable...

Scrivi una risposta breve positiva e una breve negativa a ogni domanda(01):
1. Did you watch the film last night? +____ -____ -- 2. Do whales have lungs? +____ -____ -- 3. Have they gone? +____ -____ -- 4. Can I have a lift...

Scrivi una risposta breve positiva e una breve negativa a ogni domanda(02):
11.Will you wait for me? +____ -____ -- 12. Is it cold outside? +____ -____ -- 13.Would it be better to get a loan? +____ -____ -- 14. Are we going...

Leggi ogni frase e scegli CAN oppure CAN'T per completare ogni frase(01):
1. The baby is ill, so we ____ come to the dinner tomorrow night. Sorry. // 2. I ____ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age....

Leggi ogni frase e scegli CAN oppure CAN'T per completare ogni frase(02):
1 You're very lucky if you the piano. // 2 My brother ...speak any foreign language, but he wants to learn Swedish. // 3 swim well or...

Riscrivi ogni frase in forma NEGATIVA:
1 He has been to China. / 2 They have sent the package. / 3 Scott has taken your car. / 4 Jacy has completed her project. / 5 I have ordered...

Completa queste frasi con il PRESENT CONTINUOUS del verbo tra parentesi, ma devi decidere se è positivo o negativo. Usa la forma contratta solo per isn't.
1. I know it's 1am but I don't feel tired. I .... to bed yet! (go) // 2. Oh what a pity. I bought a lovely dress for your wife and she ..... it to...

Leggi questa conversazione tra amici e riempi gli spazi con i verbi suggeriti fra parentesi. La maggior parte degli spazi sono al PRESENTE CONTINUOUS - positivi, negativi e interrogative. Fai attenzione: ci sono un paio di verbi al simple present!
1. Rosanna: Hi, John. Nice to see you. What .... (do) these days? // 2. John: Hi, Rosanna. I .... (work) in a hotel near the beach. // 3. I .......

Completare le frasi utilizzando le forme contratte proposte: AREN'T - HAVEN'T - ISN'T - DIDN'T - HASN'T - WON'T - SHOULDN'T - ISN'T.
1. You've seen this movie before, .... you? // 2. George is friendly enough, .... he? // 3. You went to university, .... you? // 4. They should have...

PRESENT CONTINUOUS forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Felix __ not sitting at the table. A=am B=are C=is / 2 Sheila and Ralph _ not getting married on Thursday. A=are B=is C=am / 3 Mark is __ watching...

PAST SIMPLE forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Rob ___ get home until after twelve. A=did not B=didn't C=A or B / 2 Zack ___ happy with the test results. A=wasn't B=was not C=A or B / 3 Julia...

TO CAN forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Christmas is coming and I'm so excited. I can't __. A=stand B=wait C=see / 2 I can't __ the thought of another week with no sun. A=set B=bear C=try...

PAST CONTINUOUS forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 They __ not having a good day. A=was B=did C=were / 2 Shaun ___ strolling on the beach at the time. A=was not B=wasn't C=A or B / 3 Derek and June...

Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli l'avverbio giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 __ of us was able to reach the target on time. A=Either B=Not C=Neither / 2 Which is correct? A=We both didn't do it. B=Neither of us did it. C=A...

Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(01).
1 I have __ eaten eel before. A=never B=not C=A and B / 2 I ___ play golf when I was young. A=didn't B=never C=A and B / 3 I can't believe you ___...

Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(02).
1 She ___ been skiing before. A=never B=has never C=was never / 2 We ___ alive today if not for the heroic actions of the firemen. A=not would be...

Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(03).
1 The truck driver ___ his insurance. A=not had renewed B=haven't renewed C=had not renewed / 2 The fridge ___ recently. A=doesn't been working...

Frasi alla forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente(04).
1 Which is correct? A=Never did it occur to me that he may have been a chief. B=It didn't occur to me that he may have been a chief. C=A or B / 2 I...

PREFISSI di NEGAZIONE: scegli la parola giusta per completare le seguenti frasi:
1. If you are ___, you shouldn't apply for this job. - unexperienced - inexperienced / 2. Everybody thinks that John and his brother are ___ guys....

Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (01):
Present Progressive / Simple Past / Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect / will-future / going...

Usando queste tre parole HE – (TO)WRITE – LETTERS crea delle frasi alla forma NEGATIVA con il verbo al tempo indicato nell'elenco seguente, esempio: Simple Present = He does not write letters (02):
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive / Future Progressive / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Progressive /...

Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando la forma NEGATIVA (che si deve riferire al verbo in stampatello) e mantenendo il PAST SIMPLE:
He often READS comics, but yesterday he.... any. / We often GET UP at 7:30, but yesterday we.... then. / I often MAKE my bed, but yesterday I.......

Completa le seguenti frasi utilizzando lo stesso verbo della prima parte ma alla forma NEGATIVA (vedi l'esempio della prima frase):
She usually RIDES her bike to school, but yesterday she DIDN'T RIDE it. / I usually sleep in on Saturdays, but last week I.... in. / Sarah often...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Our class... the test yet. (not/to write) / Tim and Joe... the boxes into the house yet. (not/to carry) / It... to snow. (not/to start) / The cat......

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
She... her room... . (not/to tidy up/yet) / They... a Tablet PC... . (not/to use/so far) / My father... the car. It is still dirty. (not/to polish) /...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST PERFECT nella forma NEGATIVA:
The driver... at the traffic lights, so the police car chased him. (not/to stop) / The budgie flew away because Jim... the window. (not/to close) /...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
She... a cheeseburger. (not/to eat) / They... pictures. (not/to paint) / The teacher... the window. (not/to open) / Johnny... his bike. (not/to ride)...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PAST CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Julia... tea. (not/to drink) / They... the Internet. (not/to surf) / My brother... yesterday. (not/to sail) / Oliver... jokes. (not/to tell) / The...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(01):
Carl... to the teacher for the last ten minutes. (not/to listen) / The students... to learn the new words. (not/to try) / Kim... crossword puzzles....

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(02):
Andrew... in the country since 2015. (not/to live) / How long... your grandparents this car? (to drive) / They... today. (not/to cycle) / Tony... his...

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS nella forma NEGATIVA(03):
Max... his comic book. (not/to read) / How long... French? (they/to learn) / I... for two months now. (not/to drive) / ...the whole morning? (she/to...

Trasforma ogni frase con WILL alla NEGATIVE-FORM nella sua forma contratta, esempio: I'll see you tomorrow.I won't see you tomorrow.
1.Susan will go with you. / 2.Jenny and Chris will show you the way home. / 3.They'll be in London next week. / 4.I'll drive to Sydney. / 5.We'll see...

Scrivi domande con il verbo CAN e risposte brevi positive o negative in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi. Esempio: use your mobile phone during a lesson(no) > Can you use your mobile phone during a lesson? No, you can't
1 chew gum in the classroom(no) 2 miss school without a good reason(no) 3 use your mobile phone during breaks(yes) 4 eat snacks during breaks(yes)...

Riscrivi le frasi affermative nella FORMA NEGATIVA.
1 We went to Rome on the school trip. 2 She bought the fruit at the greengrocer's. 3 They had dinner in a vegan restaurant. 4 Martha spent a lot of...

Scrivi delle domande e delle risposte usando GOING TO+le parole date e il suggerimento tra parentesi per indicare una risposta affermativa(+) o negativa(-) 01.
1 it/rain tomorrow?(+) 2 he/take his ebook on holiday?(-) 3 you/buy a souvenir from the gift shop?(+) 4 we/walk along the city walls?(-) 5...

Scrivi delle domande e delle risposte usando GOING TO+le parole date e il suggerimento tra parentesi per indicare una risposta affermativa(+) o negativa(-) 02.
1 he/buy/some souvenirs(+) 2 they/go/on a boat(-) 3 you/visit/archeaological site(-) 4 it/rain/later(+) 5 Amy and Sally/spend/their holidays/in...

Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa di MAY/MIGHT.
1 We....go to the cinema if there's a new movie on. 2 It's late: they....come. 3 She....get that job. There aren't a lot of candidates. 4 I....go to...

Completa le frasi riguardanti le regole per andare bene agli esami con MUSTN'T o DON'T HAVE TO.
Dear students, It's exam time again. Please remember a few basic rules for the exam period: for your exams at school. You can study at...

Scrivi delle domande al FUTURO con le parole suggerite e dai risposte affermative(+) o negative(-) in base ai suggerimenti delle parentesi.
1 robots/replace/people(-) 2 people/recycle/plastic(+) 3 you/clean/the park(-) 4 Matt/volunteer/animal shelter.(+) 5 water/disappear/planet(-)

Usando le parole date, componi delle domande e delle risposte brevi affermative(+) o negative(-) in base al suggerimento tra parentesi.
1 she / wash her hair? (-) 2 they / be on holiday? (+) 3 you / read your emails? (-) 4 mum / go to work? (+) 5 you / tell your friends? (+) 6 you...

PRONOMI INDEFINITI: riscrivi le frasi in forma affermativa(+), negativa(-) o interrogativa(?) in base ai suggerimenti tra parentesi.
1 I haven't got anything to do today.(+) 2 There's somebody in the room.(?) 3 I saw something I liked.(-) 4 They didn't meet anyone interesting.(?) 5...

PRESENT PERFECT forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 She ___ eaten yet. A=have not B=has not C=not has / 2 Peter ___ finished reading the Economist. A=has not B=not has C=have not / 3 Viola has not...

PRESENT SIMPLE forma negativa: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.
1 Which sentence is correct? A=I am not live near here. B=I do not live near here. C=I do not living near here. / 2 Henry ___ have a car. A=does not...

Verbi MODALI e frasi negative, scegli quello giusto per completare le seguenti frasi.
1 You're going to park in the director's space? You __ be serious. A=can't B=won't C=mightn't / 2 I'm off to the shops. I ___ be long. A=mustn't...

Come trasformare una frase in inglese in forma negativa?

Con il simple present, la forma negativa si ottiene dall'ausiliare don't (do not)/doesn't (does not) seguita dalla forma base del verbo. Solo nella terza persona singolare si usare il doesn't, nel resto della coniugazione e formazione della forma negativa inglese si utilizza invece il don't.

Come si fanno le domande negative in inglese?

did you not… ? did they not… ? Per ottenere la forma negativa-interrogativa è sufficiente premettere al soggetto l'ausiliare to do. Come si può notare, anche nella forma interrogativa-negativa not occupa il terzo posto.

Come si fa a trasformare le frasi alla forma negativa in francese?

Promemoria: in francese, la forma negativa si costruisce posizionando il verbo o l'ausiliare tra 2 parole (gli avverbi negativi). All'imperativo, ne si trova sempre all'inizio della frase. Ne fume pas ici ! Non fumare qui!

Come si forma la forma interrogativa e negativa del present simple?

Note sul present simple alla terza persona singolare Alla terza persona singolare, i verbi terminano sempre in -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks. Le forme negative e interrogative usano il DOES (= la terza persona singolare dell'ausiliare 'DO') + il verbo alla forma base.